Client Outcomes & Testimonials

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We love to receive recognition from clients and delegates as it lets us know we are doing a great job. Their success stories motivate us to innovate and continue to exceed expectations.

Client Testimonials



Reduction in Absenteeism


Would recommend our Programmes to others


Increase In Productivity

DBM Coaching Tool

  • 100% increase in sales conversions.
  • Increased effectiveness.
  • Reduced Marketing spending and cost of sale.
  • Greater staff morale and engagement.
  • Reduced attrition rate.
  • Reduced recruitment costs
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Increase In Sales Conversion

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Saving PA

People lean Transformation

  • £221K Saved in FY
  • 93% reduction in hand-offs.
  • 92% reduction in touches per plan
  • 100% increase in staff empowerment.
  • 25% reduction in staff headcount.
  • 5% increase in scalability.
  • 86% reduction in time to process a customer plan.
  • Created a new continuous improvement culture.
  • A clean bill of health was declared in the new audit.

Contact Centre Sales Through Service Performance Improvement Programme

  • 30% increase in sales.
  • 35% increase in conversions
  • 20% increase in productivity.
  • Increased employee engagement.
  • Increase in NPS.
  • Reduction in absenteeism.
  • Reduction in marketing spend.
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Increase In Sales

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Downtime Reduced Significantly

Major Capital Projects Team Performance Ownership Improvement

  • Downtime reduced significantly
  • Turnaround times in and out of the shipyard were reduced.
  • Increased capability across pro.
  • Project management execution.
  • Substantially better uptake.
  • Lean Six Sigma process improvements.

Leadership Development

  • 50% increase in productivity in pre-sales tech support.
  • Best performing sales year ever.
  • Successful managerial re-structure (without drama).
  • Uplift in performance management across the business
  • £2M Additional sales target achieved in the last quarter taken on with enthusiasm – with everyone involved
  • Customer satisfaction increases across branches.
  • Organisational aligned mindset for changes as and when they arise.
  • Improved communication across the business.
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Increase In Productivity

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Increase in Business Retention

People Lean Transformation Customer Back Office

  • 118% increase in productivity.
  • 200% increase in Business Retention
  • 30% increase in Staff engagement.
  • 20% increase in Bond reinvestments.
  • 6% reduction in staff turnover
  • 70% reduction in duplicate re-filing time in year one and a further 90% reduction in year 2
  • 57% increase in CSR’s skill set after interventions
  • 50% increase in time spent with people as opposed to tasks.
  • 10% reduction in failure demands
  • 4% reduction in absenteeism.
  • Increased customer-facing time to levels of 70/80%.

Customer-Focused B2B Sales Growth – Above-the-Line Sales

  • $5M saved in one customer negotiation.
  • Largest outsourcing deal in the industry secured
  • Long-term order book strengthened.
  • Customer feedback acknowledged the positive shift in attitude towards relationship management and service levels – reduction in complaints.
  • Aligned mindset and behaviours across global sales and marketing teams and beyond to all customer-facing staff.
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Saved in Negotiation

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Reduction in Sickness & Absenteeism

Customer Operations Performance Culture Change

  • 75% reduction in sickness and absenteeism
  • 100% reduction in official complaints to the Works Council.
  • 13% increase in productivity.
  • 40% increase in competencies in critical areas.

Customer Experience Improvement Programme: Risk & Reward

  • 215% increase in customer Net Promotor Score (NPS).
  • 126% increase in Sales Through Service (STS)
  • 50% increase in productivity.
  • 90% reduction in absenteeism
  • A reduction in average call-handling times (AHT).
  • 200% increase from task focus to people focus.
  • 100% of people would recommend our programmes to others.
  • Significant improvement in staff retention rates.
  • Dynamic high-performance culture created and sustained
  • Commercially focused, motivational leaders who ‘walk-the-talk’.
Skilled managers who know how to carry out change and deliver results.
  • Productive teams with engaged, confident individuals
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Increase in Sales Through Service

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Empowerment & Accountability

Culture Change Programme - Engagement Scores

  • 84% say ‘it’s a great place to work’; 25% above the UK average.
  • 78% Empowerment & Accountability, 18% above the UK average.
  • 78% Well-Being, 21% above the UK average.
Increased alignment, understanding, and cooperation among managers, team members, and departments.
  • More honest and open communication across the business at all levels.
  • An implemented performance management structure that is actively engaging, motivating and developing staff and managers.
  • More accountability and higher levels of responsibility across the business at all levels.
  • Record-breaking results in terms of sales and stock shipped month on month.
  • Fewer people issues escalated to HR.

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Feature Insights

Mindset, Attitudes and Behaviours

April 26, 2024

The Beginners Mindset: Adopt a Childlike Wonder

So, you’ve heard all about the growth mindset, right? Well, get ready to have your mind blown, because there’s a new sheriff in town – the beginner’s mindset! And let me tell you, it’s a game changer, especially for business leaders.

Now, we all know that as adults, we tend to put a ton of pressure on ourselves to achieve our goals. We don’t have time to mess around with learning for learning’s sake, right? Wrong! That’s where the beginner’s mindset comes in. By embracing curiosity, openness, and a willingness to learn, you can tap into that childlike sense of wonder and embark on a journey of lifelong learning.

Think about it – when you were a kid, you didn’t worry about being an expert or having all the answers. You just explored, discovered, and had fun. And that’s exactly what the beginner’s mindset is all about. By encouraging a curious, open, and humble approach to learning, your organisation can break out of old habits, explore new ideas, and expand horizons in ways you never thought possible. Moreover, by your workforce being less constrained by their existing knowledge and beliefs, your organisation can become more well-rounded, adaptable, and innovative.

So, my dear business friends, embrace your inner child and let the beginner’s mindset transform your organisation. Who knows, you might even have a little fun along the way. Gasp!


Beginners Mindset Encourages Innovation

Unsurprisingly, adopting a mindset of openness and curiosity does wonders for creativity and innovation. By approaching a problem or project with fresh eyes, individuals can bring new ideas and perspectives that can lead to innovative solutions. This is even more effective in a dialogue where everyone has a beginner’s mindset. Moreover, by putting previous knowledge and beliefs to one side, individuals may be able to see and experiment with new ideas, approaches, and techniques that previously would not have been discussed. As the famous old saying goes ‘a mind is like a parachute – it functions only when it is open.’ A study within the Journal of Business Research supports this finding that encouraging a ‘beginner’s mindset’ among employees can help to foster creativity and innovation. More specifically, those who approach new situations with curiosity are more likely to generate novel ideas and solutions than those who approach the situation with a more closed-minded attitude. This arguably goes above and beyond the mere growth mindset, by directly incorporating the sense of curiosity and stripping back existing knowledge.

As Ted Lasso once said ‘I shouldn’t have brought an umbrella to a brainstorm.’

However, it is important that this mindset is focused and controlled appropriately. Whilst there is no evidence of any adverse effects associated with the beginner's mindset, it’s important to remember that it can create an overemphasis on novelty. Always striving toward the unknown with the utmost curiosity could lead to a lack of expertise in any one area with too much focus on the creation of ideas, and too little on implementation. As business leaders are well aware, the great idea is only half the battle.


Beginners Mindset Promotes Continuous Learning

Building upon this, when a beginner's mindset is widely encouraged and adopted across an organisation, this can create a culture of continuous learning. It is somewhat intuitive that if every member of an organisation is curious, open, and willing to learn, this will inherently change the culture. The attributes of the beginner’s mindset fit the attributes of a continuous learning culture perfectly. The impact of a culture of continuous learning is huge and essential to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. Deloitte’s found that continuous learning firms are 46% more likely to be first to market, experiencing higher productivity, and 92% more likely to innovate.

The beginner mindset particularly aids with communication as demonstrated in a study published by the Journal of Applied Communication Research, which found those with beginner mindsets are more likely to engage in open and constructive communication, leading to better learning, relational development, and communication outcomes. Not only is communication improved, but also learning outcomes as illustrated by Richards (2019) where authors found individuals with beginner's mindsets are more likely to engage in active learning behaviours, leading to better learning outcomes and improved performance. Evidently, this mindset’s impact on individuals and culture alike, are substantial and wholly positive.


Beginners Mindset Increases Entrepreneurship

Similarly to innovation, entrepreneurship massively benefits from the beginner’s mindset. The general principle of curiosity encapsulates exactly how successful entrepreneurs view the world and helps with creativity in the same way described above. There have been two studies published that support this notion. Firstly, by Newbert & Craig in 2018 found that the beginner’s mindset can help entrepreneurs to navigate the uncertain and unpredictable nature of new ventures. Through the mindset of encouraging individuals to challenge themselves with the unknown, those embodying it can practice reacting and adapting in such circumstances. Secondly, Yang and Lichtenstein (2019) conducted a study specifically analysing the effects of the beginner’s mindset on venture performance. They found that those who adopted such a mindset were more likely to engage in exploratory and innovative behaviours, leading to improved venture performances. Given what was discussed above regarding innovation, these findings are hardly surprising.


So beginners or growth?

First of all, it’s important to accept that these two concepts are not mutually exclusive; in fact, it could be argued that a beginner’s mindset is actually just an extension of growth. The ideal mindset is likely dependent on the situation. A beginner’s mindset is particularly beneficial in circumstances with lots of uncertainty, ambiguity or complexity. The openness and curiosity of a beginner’s mindset help individuals in those circumstances approach ambiguity with a fresh perspective and avoid being held back by internal monologue, past experiences, and preconceptions.

Whereas a growth mindset is based on the belief that our abilities and qualities can be developed and improved over time through learning, practice, and, most importantly, failure. This mindset is, therefore, particularly valuable in situations where there are clear goals and a defined path towards achieving them. A growth mindset helps in that situation as setbacks and failures are seen as learning curves towards the achievable goal, whereas someone with a fixed mindset may perceive them as a sign to give up. The optimism and self-belief portrayed by the growth mindset help individuals overcome challenges and achieve goals. Both growth and beginner’s mindset have their place in the business world. Identifying which mindset is most pertinent in which situation and applying it effectively is the true mark of success.

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April 26, 2024

Four-Day Work Week: Dream Come True or Too Good To Be True?

Four-Day Work Week: Dream Come True or Too Good To Be True?

Is a four-day working week the secret to better work-life balance and productivity? It’s a tantalising idea that’s been gaining momentum lately, but before you start packing up your desk on Fridays, weighing the pros and cons is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the exciting possibilities and potential drawbacks of this new trend and help you decide whether it’s right for your business.

But the number of variations of the four-day working seems to grow exponentially. Is it squeezing a classic 40-hour working week into four days? Is it reducing the overall working week to 35 hours? Or the latest addition to the conversation…is it employees spending four days in the office in exchange for Fridays off?

Each option boasts its own range of advantages and disadvantages, suiting some industries better than others, so for the purposes of the blog, only 40 hours in 4 days will be discussed, referred to as a four-day workweek from here on out. But keep an eye out for our next blog tackling the reduction to 35 hours.


Four-Day Working Week

The buzz around the four-day workweek has skyrocketed following the remarkable success of the UK’s latest large-scale pilot in February, with many referring to this version as the ‘holy grail’ of work-life balance. Among the 60-plus companies that participated, 92% of employers said they would continue with a shorter workweek, and 30% made the change permanent. Employers on the trial said that both productivity and output were increased; Claire Daniels, CEO of Trio Media, stated:

‘When people enjoy having an extra day off, that creates better work-life balance, which, in turn, makes people happier and less stressed.’

The majority of companies in the study saw positive results, including increased productivity and output, and many have made the change to a shorter workweek permanent. This supports the long list of international studies finding similar.


Work-Life Balance & Productivity

Companies worldwide have shown that the four-day workweek can transform employees’ work-life balance, making it a highly sought-after option. This is especially true in industries where overworking is common such as tech. Burnout from meeting deadlines can harm productivity, but some studies suggest a shorter workweek can remedy this. Increasing time for personal pursuits, socialisation, and relaxation can improve work-life balance, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being, increasing both higher job satisfaction and productivity. Simply Business within the UK introduced the four-day workweek back in 2019 and supported these conclusions by reporting increased productivity and improved employee well-being. Evidence within the groundbreaking UK study discussed above also demonstrated that, on the whole, productivity increased or at least remained stable. Globally, there are multiple studies supporting this hypothesis, including a study in Iceland in 2021, where a shorter workweek found increases in both well-being and productivity.

However, it’s important for business leaders to note that the four-day workweek may not necessarily lead to increased productivity and profits. Often stable productivity is reported and considered a positive result. Take the New Zealand financial services company study, which reported improved work-life balance, reduced stress, less absenteeism, and no drop in productivity. So before jumping on the bandwagon, business leaders should first consider their goals and purpose. Even in Microsoft Japan which reported a 40% increase in productivity, there was no direct increase in profits. This is not a criticism of a four-day workweek; after all, a happier workforce is never a bad thing, but merely a reminder to assess the core purpose before acting.


Recruiting & Retention

The four-day workweek can be a game changer for companies struggling with talent recruitment and retention. In industries like technology, where skilled workers are in high demand, offering an attractive perk like this could make all the difference. Offering a four-day workweek could be an attractive perk that sets a company apart from its competitors, evidenced by a survey conducted by YouGov found that 60% of respondents in the UK would prefer a four-day workweek. Similar is mirrored globally, with Perpetual Guardian reporting a 30% increase in job applications. Given UK businesses spend £4.13 billion a year covering high staff turnover costs, anything that increases recruitment and, most importantly, retention is an important consideration for business leaders. 


Unintended Consequences & Risks

The four-day workweek may sound like a dream, but working longer hours in fewer days can lead to intense workdays, negatively impacting work-life balance. So, while the idea of fewer workdays is appealing, it’s important to consider the drawbacks that come with it.

Adopting a four-day workweek may seem like a stress-free solution, but it can actually increase workload and pressure, leading to burnout and stress. A South Korean study of over 2,500 employees found that those working longer hours had poorer mental health and higher burnout rates. The study revealed a link between extended working hours and an increased risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, which can negatively affect both the individual and the company.

Similarly, an engineering company in the UK, Allcap, adapted the four-day workweek to offer one day off fortnightly. Even with this adaption, the CEO found:

‘As opposed to 10 normal workdays we found that employees would have nine extreme ones – once they got to their scheduled day off they were exhausted.’

Evidently, industry and sector-specific factors must be considered prior to implementing a change as the four-day workweek is inherently unsuitable for certain industries. All of this can contribute towards reduced output.


Organisational Context & Culture

The benefits and drawbacks of the four-day workweek are equally supported by evidence and case studies, making it a complex issue for business leaders to navigate. It all comes down to organisational context and culture – what works for one company may not work for another. The key is to understand each organisation’s unique baseline productivity and work-life balance to determine whether the four-day workweek is a good fit. In every study, the increase/decrease of productivity is all based on that organisation’s baseline productivity making it incredibly difficult to draw far-reaching conclusions.


For instance, if an organisation already has an overly intense five-day workweek with high attrition rates and burnout, the benefits of transitioning to a four-day workweek are likely to be significant. However, in an organization where flexible working hours are already established, implementing a four-day workweek could limit employees’ flexibility and undermine their work-life balance. Thus, business leaders must carefully consider their organization’s particular circumstances before making any decisions.


Difficulty in implementation

Implementing a four-day workweek can be difficult and may require significant changes to processes and procedures. Smikle conducted a study into the challenges that employers may face from implementing a 4-day workweek finding two key areas to consider:

  1. Employers may struggle with workload management
  2. Employers may also face challenges in scheduling and managing staff as employees may have different schedules and days off

The core way to mitigate these was by involving employees in decision-making and implementing flexible scheduling options.

Implementation could also be challenging culturally; for example, in countries where working long hours is seen as a sign of dedication and commitment, it may be difficult to convince employees and employers alike to embrace a shorter workweek. Similarly, in cultures where hierarchical structures and traditional work patterns are deeply ingrained, it may be challenging to introduce new ways of working. Given the changes to organisational processes, procedures, and mindsets potentially required to introduce such a change, ensuring this is the right decision for every organisation is essential.



In the world of business, there are rarely any silver bullets. While the four-day working week may seem like a game-changer, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Organisations must take into account a multitude of factors and assess what they’re overarching purpose is.

But fear not! There are other options available. If work-life balance is the primary goal, then a six-hour workday could be the perfect solution. And if increased productivity and profits are what you’re after, then it’s time to roll up your sleeves and tackle the root cause of the issue.

In the end, it all boils down to what works best for your organisation. Perhaps a flexible hours model is the way to go. Whatever the case, the key is to be open-minded and explore all possibilities. After all, as the saying goes, ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.’

If you want to discuss the suitability of the four-day workweek within your organisation, just give us a call. 

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