Innovative Workplace Culture

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July 12, 2024

Innovative Workplace Culture

Do you think your office is cutting-edge because you have a coffee machine that grinds beans? Think again. There are many preconceptions of an innovative workplace, and this is just one example of many.


Some Misguided Attempts at Innovation

Casual Fridays: a bid to boost freedom and creativity, while in reality, everyone just enjoys the break from suit and tie.

Ping-Pong Tables: Installing games tables for a fun and relaxed corporate culture, which then get used more as a meeting table than for actual games.

Mobile Apps: Creating a company app for everything from booking meeting rooms to ordering lunch. Often a phone call or email would serve the same purpose.

Digital Whiteboards: Equipping every conference room with high-tech digital whiteboards that often struggle with connectivity issues and only using them to display static agendas.

Team-Building Retreats: Organising annual off-site retreats that promise to forge unbreakable team bonds, yet sometimes only highlights who is good at paintball and who dislikes physical activities.

While demonstrating some form of effort, these examples are simply box-ticking "nice to haves" and do not constitute an innovative work culture.


Here at MiM, we firmly believe there is more to it than that…


What is Innovation?

According to Harvard Business Review, innovation isn't limited to creating new products or services. It encompasses improving processes, enhancing customer experiences, and finding novel solutions. Essentially, innovation involves a shift in thinking and fostering a nurturing environment where creative ideas can flourish. This mindset shift is essential for organisations striving to remain competitive and grow.

Workplace innovation means implementing new ideas, processes, products, or services that result in significant improvements. This can include adopting new technologies, developing unique business models, or transforming organisational culture to be more open and collaborative. Harvard's research emphasises that innovation should be integral to the company's DNA, involving everyone from top executives to entry-level employees .


5 Key Elements of Workplace Innovation include;


  1. A Culture of Continuous Improvement: Organisations that foster a culture of continuous improvement are always looking for ways to enhance efficiency, quality, and employee satisfaction. This culture is driven by a mindset where feedback is actively sought out and then used constructively.

  2. Empowerment and Autonomy: Employees must feel empowered to take the initiative and experiment with new ideas. Providing autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, which is crucial for innovative thinking.

  3. Collaborative Environment: Innovation thrives in environments that prioritise collaboration and teamwork. Cross-functional teams bring diverse perspectives, leading to breakthrough ideas and solutions.

  4. Leadership Support: Strong support from leadership is essential for fostering innovation. Leaders must champion innovation efforts, provide necessary resources, and create a safe space for experimentation. When visibly committed to innovation, leadership sends a clear message to the entire organisation.

  5. Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding and anticipating customer needs can drive innovative solutions. Engaging with customers and incorporating their feedback ensures that innovations are relevant and effective.


In the race for companies to stay relevant and vibrant, true innovation in the workplace goes beyond the superficial perks we outlined in the beginning and into the heart of daily operations. It is about building an environment where new ideas are welcomed, risks are taken, and employees are empowered to challenge the status quo. This liberty is vital to fostering a perpetual culture of innovation.


“A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock pile when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


As organisations contend in the constantly shifting landscape, those who embed innovation into their culture will not only survive - they will thrive. Remember, it isn't about having the flashiest tech, the coolest office, or the hottest new product. Innovative culture is about making smart, forward-thinking changes that have a real and lasting impact."

Now, ask yourself, is your organisation genuinely innovative?




Stephen McCann,
Director of Masters in Minds and Creator of Masters in Culture.


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July 12, 2024

Innovative Workplace Culture

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