What Leadership Development Should Look Like in the Hybrid Era

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Business Saviness

April 25, 2024

Leading effectively in a hybrid context has become a sought-after skill in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. The rise of remote and hybrid work models, catalysed by technological advancements and global challenges, requires leaders to adapt and reimagine traditional management styles. This leads most C-Suites to ponder what leadership development should look like in the hybrid era. Leading a dispersed team presents unique challenges, from communication nuances to promoting work-life balance and fostering an inclusive company culture. This blog offers invaluable insights into what areas leadership development should focus on in the hybrid era.


Communication and Connection

To mitigate such communication challenges, there are three core strategies an effective leader could use to mitigate any problems.

Clear & Consistent

Firstly, emphasising clear and consistent communication is even more crucial when team members are physically dispersed. Leaders should provide concise and unambiguous instructions, ensuring that expectations and goals are communicated clearly. Regular updates and consistent messaging help keep everyone aligned and helps to avoid misunderstandings.

Leverage Technology

Secondly, when leaders effectively leverage the available technology, this can encourage participation and engagement during virtual meetings or discussions. Video conferencing software, project management tools, and instant messaging apps can facilitate real-time collaboration, allowing team members to connect and communicate effectively.

Encourage Participation 

Third and finally, remote leaders should encourage active participation and engagement during virtual meetings or discussions. Creating an inclusive environment where all team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, asking questions, and providing feedback fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens team communication.


Trust and Autonomy

To build trust and promote autonomy, effective leaders in remote or hybrid settings employ the following approaches:

Establish clear expectations

Effective leaders communicate clear expectations regarding goals, performance standards, and deadlines. When team members have a clear understanding of what is expected from them, they are more likely to take ownership and work autonomously.


Provide regular feedback and support

Remote leaders must understand the importance of regular feedback and support. They schedule one-on-one check-ins, provide constructive feedback, and offer assistance when needed. Regular communication ensures that team members feel supported and can seek guidance when necessary.

Foster a culture of accountability

Effective leaders foster a culture of accountability by setting realistic goals and ensuring that team members have the resources and support needed to achieve them. They encourage self-motivation and emphasise the importance of taking responsibility for one’s work.


Work-Life Balance

Effective leaders can mitigate this in the three following ways:

Encourage regular breaks

A common behaviour of remote workers is skipping lunch breaks and working through coffee breaks. As these people cannot physically show leadership, they are working sometimes and feel the need to work overtime to ensure their work ethic is noticed. Effective leaders should encourage their team members to take regular breaks and time off to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Modelling these behaviours themselves and actively promoting the importance of self-care and well-being can mitigate this. They should also acknowledge remote workers’ achievements to help them feel seen.

Promote boundary-setting practices

Leaders should be crucial in promoting boundary-setting practices among their team members. Leaders can effectively promote boundary-setting by encouraging individuals to establish clear boundaries between work and personal life by supporting them to create designated workspace at home, setting specific working hours, and encouraging employees to disconnect and unplug from work outside of those hours.

Well-being support

Finally, effective leaders ensure that their team members have access to resources and support systems that promote well-being. This can include offering employee assistance programs, mental health resources, and wellness initiatives. Leaders may also organise virtual wellness activities, such as meditation sessions or fitness challenges, to encourage employees to prioritise their well-being.



Leaders embracing the role of culture cultivator can employ many strategies, including nurturing inclusions and collaboration through virtual team-building activities or ensuring equitable participation in meetings. Technology should also be leveraged to aid cultural integration, for example, a virtual water-cool channel or social platform. Ensuring rituals and traditions are hybrid-friendly by hosting virtual town halls or off-site quarterly gatherings. The key is to be mindful of remote, hybrid and in-office workers when organising meetings, events or any form of collaboration.



To lead from anywhere is to embrace adaptability, foster trust, and prioritise the well-being of one’s team. The complexities of the modern work environment require a new form of leadership development training that recognises that leaders must be technologically adept, empathetic and forward-thinking. The tips discussed in this blog answer the important question of what leadership development should look like in the hybrid era. If your training isn’t hitting upon these key points, get in touch to ensure your leaders are striving to harness the full potential of their remote or hybrid teams.

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